Louisiana School 




Encouragement from your LSPA President

Wed, March 07, 2018 1:53 PM | Meagan Medley (Administrator)

Happy Spring everyone!! Can you believe it? We are in the home stretch! The 2017-2018 school year is coming to a close. I, like most of you, am trying to get evaluations completed, reports written, and meetings held in these last few weeks of school prior to state testing, right!!??! Remember we are all in this together! It will get finished! Since summer is quickly approaching I want to remind each of you to utilize some self care. Make time for yourself, your friends, and your family. The demands on school psychologists seem to increase every year, so take advantage of the summer downtime to take care of yourself. If you haven’t heard this lately, YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Our children need your best self, so breathe, slow down, and enjoy the little things as much as you can.

I would also like to touch on the recent tragedies in the news regarding school shootings. As I sit here watching and reading the news I am confronted with thoughts I have never really considered. I have never considered being harmed at my schools, let alone, being confronted by a gunman. I have never had to consider whether I would give my life to protect others, I mean, I live in a small rural town and that would never happen here. Sound familiar? Something good can come out of these terrible tragedies and that is increased collaboration and communication within school districts, communities, and states to see that mental health services should be a priority. If we can open their eyes and minds to recommendations for additional resources and qualified personnel to enhance mental health services, then we can move forward in preventing another tragic loss. We as school psychologists can help facilitate these discussions and advocate for our children as well as our profession. WE ARE PART OF THE SOLUTION. If you are unsure of what to say in this situation please reach out to your Executive Council members or refer to NASP’s resources for additional information and guidance.

On that note, I would like to challenge you to increase your involvement in not only our organization, but advocating for our profession. Please consider joining a committee or running for office at our annual conference. Make a difference for all our kids and continue to help our profession flourish. We are all capable of great things, so let’s nurture that and change the world!

Annie Holmes, S.S.P., NCSP

LSPA President

Louisiana School Psychological Association
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